Friday, January 29, 2010

Our Visit to Houston January 2010

Mel and I went to Houston to visit the Wallace's (our daughter's family). We had so much fun. Benson (3 in March) helps "Popf" fix the dishwasher.

Bailey (6 years) goes to all day Kindergarten.

Brynley (almost 14 months) is a cruisin' cutie in her walker.

Benson got sick right after we got there, but quickly recovered.

Bailey has four freckles on her nose, just like her mom did!

Mel and I went to Bailey's school for lunch. We brought McDonald's.

Guggie and Bailey

Bailey enjoying her lunch and prize.

The weather was beautiful for several of the days and we'd play outside.

Benson "flying" his airplane.

The Three Musketeers: Kolten, Ty and Bailey. They are all in kindergarten and good buddies.

The world's most content baby -- inside or outside. Also very "cool."

This was a "Cars" big wheel and Benson loved the siren.

Our trip to the Children's Museum

Bryn wasn't so impressed with the exhibits. Here she is in her second outfit of the day. Evidently, she had Museum and Poop Fest confused.

The hands-on exhibits were very popular with Benson.

Once again, the most patient baby in the world.There was a genuine old Mustang the kids could sit in.
Bailey and Benson enjoyed driving it.

Bailey wasn't too sure about Benson's driving.

There were some really cool learning centers.

We had such a great time. If I were a little better at this blogging picture posting, I could show lots more!

Thanks for the great time Wallace Family!



we miss you SO much! I'm glad I hadn't blogged this yet, b/c you had some mUCH better pictures than mine!

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